Yankees In Brazil.
Yes, it involves some baseball, but not exactly in the manner you are expecting.
**I mentioned in my opening page that not all my posts would concern police & crime issues; this is one of those posts.**
This story depicts a time long ago, when the men and women of the United States and Brazil worked together to defeat a common enemy. This story gives a brief look into the daily activities of Allied troops as they unwind on the airbase at Belem, Brazil, around August of 1945.
Most of the photographs here were taken by my grandfather Dudley Peebles & the negatives were not found until about 10 years ago. They are under copyright VAu 1-352-030.
This is the first time the photographs have been exposed outside the family. I hope that someone recognizes a family member and the photos bring a bit of joy.
Feel free to download them, just don’t misrepresent them, please. There are a few photographs here that are not my family’s. I will give credit to the author under the photograph in these cases.
The Brazilian Participation in World War II
The above link gives a short history lesson of Brazil’s important role in World War II. The thesis was written by Carlos José Asumpção Penteado,
LtCol, Cav, Brazilian Army in 2006.
My grandfather was an enlisted member of the 8th Service Command. Uncle Sam called upon my grandfather when he was 35 years of age and already had “5” children. At the time my grandfather was a surveyor by trade. He assisted in building the Allied airfields in Belem and Natal, Brazil. The airfields in Brazil provided a vital resource to launch air attacks and resupply Allied troops in Europe.
The Smoking Snakes: The Brazilian Expeditionary Force in WWII
Smoking Snakes Unit Emblem- Mariners Museum Photo
VERDE-OLIVA Magazine, Brazilian Army, Historical Edition, May-June 1995, 120.
Uniforms were optional,,, :)
Dudley Peebles, My Grandfather.
“No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair.”
Thank You for listening,,,,,,