Summer Of Violence 2020.

In the fall of 1984 I drove my cruiser down the 700 Block of Meridian Court. The city had given me that area of responsibility; they had given me a zone of 23 blocks to patrol, answer calls and get to know the people who lived in my zone. I was just moments away from meeting a group of residents that would set the tone for the rest of my career.

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Residential Burglary Prevention.

The best surveillance camera footage that I had ever seen came from a do-it-yourself system. The system was put together by a apartment building manager. The system was a VHS, yes I said VHS, recorder , one single camera input , all bought from Walmart for under $200.00.

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Auto Burglary Prevention Tips.

Your on the way out the door from work, headed home to start your second job of taking care of the family. Your walking out of daycare with a child in your arms. Your headed out the door from your home, coffee in one hand, keys in the other.

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